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Are you in the process of building your pool and can’t decide how many lights you need? Choosing the right number of lights for your pool is essential for enhancing its beauty and ensuring safety.

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What to Consider Before Purchasing a Light

Before you purchase and install your swimming pool lights, there are a few crucial design aspects that you should consider. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of the lights?
  • What kind of pool finish do I have?
  • Are there areas of my pool that need more lighting than others?
  • What is the size and shape of my pool?
  • Do I want a colored or white pool light?
  • Where am I placing the lights?

Together, we will address each of these areas.

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Establishing the Purpose

Pool owners utilize their pool for a variety of reasons, so it's important to ensure that your pool lights cater to your specific needs. Are you using your pool for fitness purposes, for spending quality time with your family, or solely for aesthetic purposes? Let's explore each of these scenarios:

  • Fitness Use: If you primarily use your pool for fitness purposes, it is recommended to light the pool from the sides to avoid swimmers swimming directly into beams of light.
  • Family Use: For recreational pools used by families, it is crucial to pay attention to safety areas such as steps, entrances, and exits. These areas should have enough light to assist swimmers safely in and out of the pool.
  • For Aesthetics: If your pool is mainly for aesthetic purposes, consider keeping the lights flushed with the wall of the pool using a 1.5" inlet fitting. Nicheless lights are usually a popular choice for such pools.

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The Finish on Your Pool

When choosing pool lights, it's not just about the brightness but also the color and texture of your pool's finish. The interior color of your pool can significantly affect the quality of the light. Here are some guidelines based on the type of pool finish:

  • For light to medium pool finishes: Colored or white lights are sufficient. Choose lower wattage lights for lighter finishes and higher wattage lights for medium finishes.
  • For dark finishes: Dark finishes can absorb the color of the lights, making some colors less visible, especially in deeper ends of the pool. In such cases, it is generally recommended to purchase white lights. Colored lights may appear concentrated in one area rather than spreading out in a wide beam.

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How Many Pool Lights Do You Need?

Unfortunately, there isn't a clear-cut standard that dictates how many lights a pool should have. While most pool contractors used to recommend a single pool light for small pools, we wanted to dig deeper. So, we reached out to pool professionals to get a better idea of how and why they recommend lights for new swimming pools. Here's what we found:

  • For a 15 x 30 pool, one light is typically sufficient if placed at the deep end of the pool in a narrow beam.
  • A 20 x 40 pool could get by with two lights.
  • A 20 x 42 pool probably needs three lights. In this case, it's best to place the lights 5 feet from each end of the pool, evenly spaced between them.

Please note that these are not definitive recommendations as the type of finish on the pool also needs to be considered. A dark finish might require three lights, whereas a lighter finish might only need two.

It's important to note that most of this information is valuable before completing the construction of the pool. If you move into a house with an existing pool, you may be limited by the number of lights already installed. However, understanding details such as the light's lumens rating, light output, and vertical beam shape can help any pool owner maximize the lights in their pool. This knowledge may also explain why certain lights appear duller in your pool compared to your neighbor's.

In conclusion, when choosing the right number of lights for your pool, consider the purpose of the lights, the finish of your pool, and the size and shape of your pool. By making informed decisions, you can create a pool that not only looks stunning but also provides a safe swimming experience for you and your family.

Follow For More: Austin Delatorre


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